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Issues In The News

Statement from Mo Ibrahim on the outcome of the Nigerian elections

The news from Nigeria today is wonderful. Africa’s largest country has concluded a peaceful election process. Furthermore, the incumbent has already gracefully conceded and congratulated his successor – a first for Nigeria and a benchmark for other African countries to follow.

Today, we Africans are all proud of Nigeria and President Jonathan.

Thank you Mr President. If you are seeking a legacy, you have definitely achieved it.

Mo Ibrahim
Mo Ibrahim Foundation


About TransformationWatch

TransformationWatch is an online news site founded by Henry Omoregie It is focused on keeping tabs on the Transformation Agenda set out by the Nigerian leadership in the Local, State and Federal Governments. My mission is to observe, analyze and report milestones or slowdowns in promised service delivery in all the facets of governance in Nigeria (2011 and beyond). Readership is open to all Nigerians and friends of Nigeria alike, regardless of Tribe, Religion or Political divide. We are all in this together


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